Adam Heath - Blog

Blog of Musician & Producer Adam Heath

The Worst Thing About Being A Music Student

The Worst Thing About Being A Music Student

It’s so easy to get distracted.

Sometimes as a music student you can really hyper focus and become obsessed with a piece of work, working through the night without realising it, but sometimes it’s impossible to write a sentence without going off on at least 3 tangents. In fact, I’m meant to be working while writing this but I couldn’t stop thinking about this.

At the moment I’ve got 3 modules on the go at uni; Acoustics, Music Technology Research and Developing a Professional Profile. The first two involve a lot of reading about studio design, acoustics in materials, different types of technology developed for music etc. etc. and there’s ALWAYS some reference which takes you elsewhere. It could be argued this is a good thing but I often have about 20 tabs open because of it. It’ll reference and artist or a song and I’ll go and listen to that, then listen to loads of other similar stuff, which will give me loads of ideas and inspiration to go and write my own music, then I’ll start writing music, then get caught up perfecting guitar tones and the next thing you know 3 hours has passed and you haven’t really achieved anything.

I guess when you work/study in music it’s all part of the process. You can’t get anywhere without doing something else first, and you can’t write music without being inspired in some way by other music. I guess that means nothing’s truly original? who knows, it’s not time for a tangent now. Back to work for me.

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